Mediation helps discuss and resolve issues in dispute; this can involve just two people in conflict or include extended family members. Mediation aims to resolve disputes without having to attend court.
Mediation is commonly beneficial for parties undergoing separation, the ending of an intimate partner relationship, which is often a difficult time where you may feel unsure about what to do next. This includes the end of a marriage, defacto relationship or other personal relationships.
Family relationship issues can be stressful and emotionally difficult. After a relationship breakdown, discussions about dividing assets and future care for children can become very emotional. This is when people may benefit from a formal mediation process to help communicate and make decisions at a time when it is easy to become overwhelmed emotionally. In additional to the emotional and psychological consequences of a separation, individuals are likely to have concerns about the emotional impact of children, finances, where they will live, the possible loss of extended family and friends – and the support that comes with those connections.