EnQuire now

26 October 2015


Our need for connection and love is just as fundamental as our need for food, water, and shelter,” writes clinical psychologist Lee H. Coleman, Ph.D, in his book Depression: A...

21 October 2015

Willpower and Self-Control

The two strengths that scientists have discovered improve success in life are the constructs of intelligence and self-control. To some extent our natural intelligence is unchangeable,...

6 October 2015

The Second Brain

Recent research has indicated that the gut may be our ‘second brain’ and be strongly linked to psychological functioning and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety....

21 September 2015

Homesickness or AKA Adjustment Disorder

Travelling back home this week it got me thinking about homesickness and adjustment. I currently have quite a few patients from the UK or adolescents in college/university who suffer...

21 September 2015

The wonderful world of psychological Podcasts

I have recently discovered the wonders of the world of psychological Podcasts. I admit that I am slightly behind the times in this discovery but feel that for other technologically...

7 September 2015

Irritability and anger- destructive emotions

Writing my session notes last week one common theme that most of my patients had was a sense of frustration, irritibality and anger they had at the workplace. This issue is probably...

7 September 2015

Walking the middle road in practice

The idea of ‘walking the middle road’ is a core concept in dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), a therapeutic approach developed by Marsha Linehan which involves excellent...

4 September 2015

Techniques for Working with the Mind During the Exam Period

Your mind evaluates and labels things to assign significance to events in your life. This is what minds do. It is a natural and normal process and is often quite helpful....

25 August 2015

Why mindful colouring in is ‘on trend’ in the worlds of art and science

I’m sure that most of us can remember doodling on our school books in class in a way that somehow managed to hold our absolute attention in a way the teacher never could. Well...

24 August 2015


Australians have long dabbled in nitrous as a fringe party drug but have recently upped their use. The Global Drug Survey shows local use rose 50 per cent in the past six years....